Disposable gloves

10 Common Mistakes Employees Make with Disposable Gloves

by Arsalan Yasin on September 01, 2023

Disposable gloves are a staple in various industries, from healthcare and food service to manufacturing and cleaning. They play a critical role in maintaining hygiene, safety, and preventing contamination. However, despite their ubiquity, employees often make common mistakes when using disposable gloves, which can lead to unintended consequences. In this article, we'll explore ten of these common mistakes and provide guidance on how to avoid them to ensure proper glove use in your workplace.

Mistake 1: Neglecting Hand Hygiene Before Donning Gloves

One of the most fundamental errors employees make is failing to wash their hands thoroughly before putting on gloves. Gloves should never be considered a substitute for hand hygiene; they should complement it. Proper handwashing is essential to remove dirt and bacteria from the hands, reducing the risk of contamination under the gloves.


Employees must be educated about the importance of washing their hands before donning gloves. Establish a clear handwashing routine as a prerequisite to glove use.

Mistake 2: Using Gloves for Everything

Another prevalent mistake in the use of disposable gloves is the tendency of employees to rely on gloves for tasks where they aren't necessary. This error can stem from a misunderstanding of when gloves should be worn or a misguided belief that gloves provide a universal shield against contamination. However, using gloves for everything not only leads to excessive glove consumption but can also foster a false sense of security.


To mitigate the issue of using gloves for everything, it's essential to educate employees about when gloves are necessary and when they can be safely omitted. Here's how to approach it:

Task-Specific Guidelines: Provide clear guidelines on when gloves should be used based on specific tasks. For instance, in healthcare, gloves are essential for direct patient contact but may not be needed when handling paperwork.

Risk Assessment: Encourage employees to conduct a risk assessment before deciding to wear gloves. If there's a risk of contact with bodily fluids, chemicals, or harmful substances, gloves should be used. Otherwise, hand hygiene alone may suffice.

Training and Awareness: Train employees to recognize situations that warrant glove use and those that don't. Reinforce that gloves should be viewed as a protective barrier, not a convenience.

Supply Management: Ensure an adequate supply of gloves is available for tasks that genuinely require them. This helps prevent employees from using gloves unnecessarily due to glove scarcity.

Environmental Considerations: Highlight the environmental impact of excessive glove usage. Encourage responsible disposal and recycling practices to reduce waste.

Mistake 3: Reusing Disposable Gloves

One of the most dangerous and all-too-common mistakes made by employees is attempting to reuse disposable gloves. Disposable gloves are explicitly designed for single-use applications, and reusing them not only defeats their intended purpose but also poses significant risks to hygiene and safety. This mistake often arises from cost-saving intentions, a lack of awareness, or simply not understanding the potential consequences.

Why Reusing Disposable Gloves Matters:

Cross-Contamination Hazard: Reusing gloves poses a severe risk of cross-contamination. Any pathogens or contaminants present on the gloves from the previous use can easily transfer to new surfaces, objects, or even the wearer's hands.

Reduced Effectiveness: Disposable gloves are engineered to provide optimal protection for a single-use scenario. Reusing them compromises their integrity, making them less effective as barriers against contaminants or harmful substances.

False Economy: Attempting to save money by reusing gloves can lead to significant costs in terms of hygiene, safety, and potential legal liabilities. The initial cost of gloves is far outweighed by the risks associated with their improper reuse.

Solution: Emphasize that disposable gloves should never be reused. Provide an adequate supply of gloves to ensure employees always have access to fresh pairs.

By promoting and enforcing the single-use principle for disposable gloves, you establish a safer and more hygienic work environment. Employees will understand that safety and hygiene take precedence over cost-saving measures, ultimately reducing the risks associated with improper glove use. Remember that education and awareness are key to preventing this potentially harmful mistake.

Mistake 4: Touching Contaminated Surfaces with Gloves

A common and critical mistake made by employees when using disposable gloves is the inadvertent touching of contaminated surfaces or objects while wearing them. Employees may mistakenly believe that wearing gloves provides full protection against contamination and may not exercise the same caution they would with bare hands. This error can lead to the transfer of contaminants or pathogens, undermining the very purpose of wearing gloves in the first place.

Solution: Teach employees to be mindful of what they touch while wearing gloves. Emphasize that gloves are only effective if they remain clean. Encourage them to change gloves if they suspect contamination.

Mistake 5: Failing to Inspect Gloves for Defects

Gloves can have imperfections or tears that are not immediately visible. Employees who don't inspect gloves before use risk using compromised gloves that provide inadequate protection.

Solution: Include a glove inspection step in the donning process. Employees should check for visible defects or tears and discard any damaged gloves.

Mistake 6: Touching Their Face or Other Surfaces with Gloves

Employees sometimes forget that gloves are not a barrier to touching their face, hair, or other surfaces. This behavior increases the risk of transferring contaminants from gloves to the face.

Solution: Remind employees not to touch their face, hair, or any surfaces not directly related to the task while wearing gloves. Encourage them to remove gloves properly before engaging in such activities.

Mistake 7: Not Changing Gloves When Needed

Some employees may wear the same pair of gloves for an extended period, even when the gloves become soiled or compromised. This can lead to cross-contamination and the spread of contaminants.

Solution: Educate employees on when to change gloves. Stress that gloves should be changed:

When switching tasks or handling different materials.

If they become visibly soiled or torn.

After a specified time, depending on the task and glove type.

Mistake 8: Using Gloves as a Substitute for Hand Sanitizers

While gloves can provide a physical barrier, they do not replace hand sanitizers for hand hygiene. Employees who rely solely on gloves may neglect proper handwashing and sanitizing practices.

Solution: Reinforce that gloves and hand sanitizers serve different purposes. Employees should continue to practice hand hygiene even when wearing gloves.

Mistake 9: Overlooking Proper Glove Removal (Doffing)

Improper glove removal can result in contamination of the hands or other surfaces. Employees may rush or use incorrect techniques when doffing gloves.

Solution: Provide clear instructions on the proper glove removal process, emphasizing that it is as critical as donning gloves correctly. Encourage a slow and deliberate approach to minimize the risk of contamination during removal.

Mistake 10: Not Seeking Guidance When Uncertain

Some employees may hesitate to ask questions or seek guidance when they are unsure about proper glove use. This reluctance can lead to mistakes going unaddressed.

Solution: Foster a culture of open communication. Encourage employees to ask questions, seek clarification, and report any issues related to glove use. Provide accessible resources, such as posters or manuals, as references.


In conclusion, proper disposable glove use is essential for maintaining hygiene and safety in various industries. By addressing these common mistakes through comprehensive training and ongoing reinforcement, you can ensure that your employees use gloves correctly, minimizing the risk of contamination and creating a safer workplace environment for everyone. Remember that education, communication, and a commitment to best practices are key to successful glove use in any workplace.